There would be three big adventures that would define my life. The first time I left home, was a 1-month into my 18th birthday. I decided to party in parking lots all over the country following the Grateful Dead instead of taking the safe route and going to college. Driven by anger fueled by fun this time some might consider my first breakdown or maybe my first breakthrough depending on who you asked. 

Later I would find myself, my dingy belongings, and a little bit of cash on my way to the Big Apple. New York City called and boy did I answer. Eventually, after many years of talking fast, moving fast, and just being fast I would find myself in the middle of the Pacific Ocean sitting still and studying healing modalities in Hawaii.

In my late teens I simply just wanted to be left alone. The NYC years were about learning who I was. Hawaii became about surrendering, finally healing, and learning a whole new set of skills to help people. Leaving. Loosing. Starting Over.

I would die what felt like a million times over. Exploring addiction. Finding sobriety. Elevating my consciousness.  There are parts where anger led the charge. A deep need to be left alone to ruin my own life. Curiosity later took the wheel. Healing would eventually become the priority. 

I lost myself. Found me. Healed me. Lost in the middle saved by the coasts. My pain. My Heart. My Soul. Today after many years of searching I am officially in my purpose To learn to love myself wholeheartedly so I can inspire others to do the same. I am not a guru. I am not an evangelical speaker. I am just a girl who has overcome so much deep-rooted pain and suffering that led me to my purpose and back to me.

I spent three years studying at Sacred Path Healing School. Over the course of my training with Ruey Ryburn, I learned how to energetically tune in and rebalance chakras and the energy field. I began to understand what it means to vibrate at a higher frequency and to work with the more energetic side of life. I am an ordained minister through Sacred Path Healing. Congregation of SHES Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards. In my second year of healing school, I discovered that my gifts were in the astrology charts. The chart became this clear path towards guiding myself. I understood it and connected very deeply to the ancient love language of astrology. I trained under astrologers Patrice Kamins & Gahl Sasson.

Together we see what the chart has to say about you, using all of its insights to guide you. I assist you in clearing energetic blocks. Creating space new energy, experiences, and processing. Consistently balancing the chakras allows your body, mind, and spirit to exist in the new vibration. Setting conscious intentions opens the door towards connecting to god, angels, and guides.

I believe my fate is to be a ray of sunshine in the world. An Anuenue **just look it up** The light at the end of the tunnel. The slayer of darkness. A friend to many. The spreader of Aloha!

So, since you are reading this, I send nothing but all of my best to you as you find your way. It took me forever before I even had a clue. But you being here, is a good first step.